Dublin to Madrid

2 February 2011 – Madrid, Spain, 7:11pm

So, the trip of my lifetime begins. After a good nights sleep and proper mother cooked meals, it was just under three hours to fly from Dublin to the centre of Spain. I think a lot of the actual traveling will involve sitting and waiting for the connecting plane, bus, train to leave. So I may as well start with a six hour stop in Madrid. With an overnight flight to Buenos Aires awaiting, I have nothing to do but wander the cavernous airport, looking for food that's not over priced and some free wi-fi. (Neither of these two mission have yet been accomplished) Or I could try and quickly learn some Spanish so I can say more than,”Sorry, can you speak slower please, I don't understand” (Lo siento, mas despacio por favor, no entiendo”

This does give me the time to wonder about what will happen over the coming months, will I pick up an useful amount of conversational Spanish during my 40 days in South America. What kind of people will I meet, as although the airport seems desolate, there are a few other backpacker types meandering around the stalls selling their Gucci, Swatch & Coca-Cola merchandise. What kind of places will I end up finding to stay the night, how many great musicians will I get to listen to and meet? Right now, this trip is still waiting to be revealed. Until then, let my project of photographing empty airport terminals by camera phone commence....

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