The future of magazines

Some of our favourite photographers do the majority of their work for magazines. The magazine is probably the traditional way for a photograph to make a name for themselves and develop a style of their own. We've been lucky enough to work for State magazine since it's inception in early 2008. But at the end of the year they were forced, financially to cease production of their print magazine. It's now only available online. But the pictures always looked so much better on paper, rather than on a computer screen.

Amogst our rather large library of photo bokks and magazines, JPG magazine has always been one of our favourites, it was a compilation, organised by theme, of readers photos. Most were taken by non-professionals but the imagination in every issue was a constant source of inspiration. sadly, it too has passed into history

DJ Scotch Egg, photographed by James Goulden for State Magazine, Dublin

Lets just hope, Photoiocon Magazine carries on for another while yet....

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